Karen Razelle M. Duyan, Juan Moshe M. Duyan, Angeline L. Labbutan
The study analyzed the promotion and marketing strategies of coffee products through the DTI’s OTOP in Kalinga. It determined the profile of the respondents and the effectiveness of the assistance of DTI, the best features and problems encountered by existing Coffee Producers & Processors and Entrepreneurs in the province of Kalinga. Descriptive research design was used in this research with structured questionnaire and interviews as primary instruments in gathering data. It revealed that the existing Coffee Producers & Processors and Entrepreneurs described the effectiveness of the assistance offered by the DTI through the OTOP as moderately effective. It also revealed that the best features of the marketing assistance offered to existing Coffee Producers & Processors and Entrepreneurs are fair in terms of creating job opportunities for the people in the community through livelihood programs, in minimizing the unemployment rate in the community, in encouraging unemployed employees to engage in entrepreneurial small scale business and in raising the standard of living of entrepreneurs.
Keywords:Business promotion,strategies, indigenous peoples, One Town One Product, descriptive research