Mario A. Garcia
The study found out how restorative justice is practiced in the different sectors of the community within the Province of Kalinga on Restorative justice and the community, Restorative justice and the regular justice system (court), Restorative justice and the academe, and Restorative justice and theology (religion/church). It used the empirical, qualitative and auto-ethnological approach wherein data were gathered through direct inquiry and document scrutiny. As results, the community always prefers restorative process of settling disputes in order to avoid prolonged agony and expensive court litigations. The court also abides by the doctrine of respecting the decision of parties in disputes whether or not to settle their difference amicably, and if so, that can be a ground for the dismissal of the case. Assisted by the Barangay council and the MBCC, these quasi courts push for amicable settlements believing that this process promotes favorable solution to the people in the community. With this view, the academic community exemplifies restorative justice process by conducting dialogue as a measure of settling misunderstandings and differences between and academic stakeholders. The long standing disagreement as to who is Jesus Christ divides humanity. It is so because members of either group are confused as to what to follow or not. The religious indoctrination causes confusion to its members because every religious group gives emphasis on blind obedience by fear of Godly reprisal where the members suffer divine punishment when they disobey these church doctrines.
Keywords: restorative justice, continental justice, tribal justice system, mediation, intervention